

enriches my life a thousand fold. I have often dwelled upon the possibility of just such an occur- When it happened it was anticlimactic. is not to say it could not happen again and in much less gracious company.


When I think of the wasted years, of how I fought in solitude and ignorance, and now what peace of mind I enjoy thanks to TRANSVESTIA. How different my life would have been had I not followed the counsel of advisers more ignorant than myself. But TRANSVESTIA did not exist then. Thank God it does now.

Well Virginia, I guess that is about it for now.

Your Conn. Sister,


Dear Virginia:

I'm one of the new ones, starting just recently with a chance discovery of TRANSVESTIA on a news- stand, after 37 years in hiding.

Last month I ordered every available back issue of TRANSVESTIA, CLIPSHEET, and FEMME-MIRROR and got the shock of my life. This huge bundle of informa- tion contains just about everything I've longed to know about myself and the private little hell I've lived in since childhood, plus the way out. I took 3 days off work and read continuously, and I'm still reading and rereading every spare minute at night after work and weekends. Its like buying a set of encyclopedias on transvestism, and what to do about it. I want to tell your other new readers that these back issues are the best investment I've ever made. Here's why; for somewhat over a hundred bucks you can get: